Monday, August 3, 2009

And Now For The Announcement

We are running out of time here in Breaksville. Why, you ask? Because we are moving to Japan (sans dogs- sad face) in about a week! We leave on August 11th. I wanted to keep it under wraps until we had our tickets and then I had trouble with the internet, so I haven't had the chance to really sit down and write until now.

So - Japan! My cousin owns an old Japanese-style house in Tokyo (Kita-senju, to be precise) and he graciously offered us the chance to live there, wait for it... RENT FREE. It is actually cheaper for us to buy two one-way tickets to Japan than to pay one month's rent on our current apartment. And anyway, I am having trouble finding a job, Omar was having trouble getting enough hours in at his job, so the decision was pretty much made for us. We don't know how long we're going to be staying, but we don't have much to lose at this point. Away we go!

Omar and I both recently completed an ESL teacher training course and we are now getting our stuff together and anxiously (very anxiously) awaiting our flight. I'm thinking of starting up an Etsy shop to sell Japanese craft supplies, since our house will be minutes away (by train) from the infamous Nippori Textile Town. I also might be interested in doing some one-on-one swapping? Maybe? I'm sort-of over Swap-bot after getting a couple of flakes as partners.

So then. Questions? Comments?

Edit: I am cracking up over my first nasty comment! :) Actually our ESL course is providing job placement at schools that can get us work visas. So.... enjoy your sour grapes, anonymous? Or was it a joke?

Edit #2: Sorry, Anonymous #1. I was wondering why someone would come on to my blog just to complain. :)

Anonymous #2: I'm not actually there yet, so I'm uncomfortable giving advice on which companies would be best. But what I've heard is to steer clear of the big language factories like Geos or Nova (RIP) or whatever company bought out Nova. Try to find a smaller private language school. There's also tons of info out there from people who actually know a bit more about what they're talking about (unlike me!)